Konferencia - Resilience of Covid and Post-Covid legal systems: Challenges and Responses in Hungary and in Northern Europe

   2024. március 8. 9:00 - 2024. március 8. 14:00

CONFERENCE (hybrid format)

Organized by HUN-REN CSS Institute for Legal Studies

Resilience of COVID and Post-COVID legal systems

Challenges and Responses in Hungary and in Northern Europe

The conference on 7-8 March is the final event of the HAS-funded two-year project "The responsiveness of the legal system in post-COVID society: risks and opportunities - Hungarian Academy of Sciences research grant on post-COVID phenomena", which will also be the first joint conference of two twin projects with similar focus. The Finnish project "Just Recovery from COVID-19? Fundamental Rights, Legitimate Governance and Lessons Learnt (JuRe)" runs in Finland. The two-day conference in two languages (English and Hungarian) will provide an opportunity to comprehensively examine and draw conclusions from the research findings, and present the results to a wide Hungarian and international audience. In the first part of the conference, the participants will examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mechanisms of the rule of law, with particular reference to: (1) the introduction of special legal regimes, (2) the separation of powers, (3) the position of the judiciary, (4) the most challenging human rights issues, such as children's rights, and (5) the role of the Ombudsman as a human rights defender. In the second half of the conference, we will present the achievements of the Hungarian Post-COVID project in Hungarian, highlighting the most important findings that can be attributed to each pillar (sub-project). Thus, presentations will highlight new findings (1) on the lessons learned from the special legal order, (2) on the relationship between scientific reasoning and law, and (3) new challenges of law and technology.

Venue: 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4. and Zoom


 Meeting ID: 821 5789 0051

Passcode: 354377

PROGRAM according to Central European Time (CET) - MARCH 7. 2024

8.30 – 8.45    Registration

8.45 – 9.00    Welcome speeches – the Hungarian project (Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz, research professor, Hungary); the Finish project (Prof. Janne Salminen, Finland)

Plenary Session I: Rule of Law and Human Rights (Chair: Nóra Chronowski, research professor, Hungary)

9.00 – 9.20   The Finnish Constitutional Doctrine on Emergency – How the Constitutional Law Committee dealt with the COVID-19 Pandemic (Prof. Anu Mutanen, Finland)

9.20 - 9.40    Crisis and Law: Handling COVID-19 by emergency powers in the Central and Eastern European countries (Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz, research professor, Hungary)

9.40 - 10.00    The Supervisory role of the Finnish Parliamentary Ombudsman during the COVID-19 pandemic (Prof. Janne Salminen, Finland),

10.00 - 10.20    The role of the Hungarian Ombudsman during coronavirus crisis (Nóra Bán-Forgács, research fellow, Hungary)

10.20 - 11.00    Discussion (Discussant: Zoltán Szente, research professor, Hungary)

11.00 - 11.30    Coffee break

11.30 - 13.00    Round-table discussion with researchers on parallel social sciences projects in the Centre for Social Sciences – Law and Regulation in Society

(Chair: Viktor Lőrincz, junior research fellow,  Hungary)

Márta Kiss (research fellow, Child Opportunities Research Group, Hungary); Imre Kovách (research professor, Institute for Sociology, Hungary); Fruzsina Albert (research professor, Institute for Sociology, Hungary); Dániel Mikecz (senior research fellow, Institute for Political Science, Hungary); Nasiya Daminova (Finland)

13.00- 13.30    Lunch

Plenary Session II: Separation of powers and freedom of movement during the COVID-19 crisis

(Chair: András László Pap, research professor, Hungary)

13.30 - 13.50    The Luxembourg Court faced with the COVID-19 pandemic: the example of ‘due process’ rights' (Dr. Nasiya Daminova, Finland)

13.50 - 14.10    Courts during the COVID-19 and in state of emergency (Nóra Chronowski, research professor, Hungary)

14.10 - 14.30    Specifics of judicial review under COVID-19 crisis (Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth, senior research fellow, Hungary)

14.30 - 15.00    Discussion (Discussant: Balázs Horváthy, research fellow, Hungary)

15.00 - 15.30    Coffee break

15.30 - 15.50    Scientific facts addressed by constitutional courts during the COVID-19 crisis.

(Dr. Laurianne Allezard, post-doctoral researcher, Lund University, Faculty of Law, Project: ”The case of COVID 19 and prospects for Climate Action” led by Lund University and Oxford University, founded by Marianne et Marcus Wallenberg Fund)

15.50 - 16.10    The Freedom of Movement of Persons during Emergencies in the European Union (Dr. Mehrnoosh Farzamfar, Finland)

16.10 - 16.30    Children's Right to Health in Finnish COVID-19 Vaccination Decrees' (PhD student Petra Järvinen, Finland)

16.30 - 17.00    Discussion (Discussant: Réka Friedery, research fellow, Hungary)



The second day of the conference will be held in Hungarian. Translation (summary) via Zoom program (on screen) will be provided.

9.00 - 9.15   Bevezető gondolatok a „Jogrendszer ellenállóképessége (rezilienciája) poszt-COVID társadalmakban: kockázatok és lehetőségek” című MTA által támogatott nagykockázatú projekt lezárásához (Gárdos-Orosz Fruzsina, kutatóprofesszor, HUN-REN TK JTI)

Remarks on the project ”The responsiveness of the legal system in the post-COVID society: risks and opportunities - Hungarian Academy of Sciences research grant on post-COVID phenomena (Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz, research professor, HUN-REN CSS ILS).

First subproject/ Első rész

Moderátor: Hoffmann István (kutatóprofesszor, HUN-REN TK JTI)

Moderator: István Hoffmann (research professor, HUN-REN CSS ILS)

9.15-9.35 Természettudományos érvelés a jogban (Sulyok Katalin, adjunktus, ELTE ÁJK)

Natural science arguments in legal reasoning (ass. prof. Katalin Sulyok, ELTE ÁJK)

9.35 - 9.55 A tudomány szerepe az alkotmányjogi érvelésben, különös tekintettel az emberi jogi kérdésekre (Bán-Forgács Nóra, tudományos munkatárs HUN-REN TK JTI)

Scientific arguments in constitutional law in human rights matters (Nóra Forgács-Bán, research fellow, HUN-REN CSS ILS)

9.55-10.30 Reflexió és kiegészítés a természettudományos érveléshez a jogban (Nagy Marianna, tanszékvezető egyetemi tanár, ELTE ÁJK) és vita

Reflections and comments on ‘Natural science arguments in law’ (prof. Marianna Nagy, ELTE ÁJK) and discussion

Second subproject / Második rész

Moderátor: Bencze Mátyás (tudományos főmunkatárs, HUN-REN TK JTI)

Moderator: Mátyás Bencze (senior research fellow, HUN-REN CSS ILS)

10.30-10.50 Ment-e a gépek által a világ elébb? A koronavírus hatása technológia és jog kapcsolatára különös tekintettel a büntetőjogra (Mezei Kitti, tud. munkatárs, HUN-REN TK JTI)

Has the world been advanced by machines? The impact of the coronavirus on the relationship between technology and law, with special regard to criminal law (Kitti Mezei, research fellow HUN-REN CSS ILS)

10.50-11.10 Digitalizáció, poszt-COVID és akadémiai szabadság (Pap András László, kutatóprofesszor, HUN-REN TK JTI)

Digitalisation, post-COVID and academic freedom (András László Pap, research professor, HUN-REN CSS ILS)

11.10 - 11. 45 Reflexiók és kiegészítések a digitalizációs kihívásokhoz (Ződi Zsolt, tudományos főmunkatárs, Ludovika Egyetem) és vita

Reflections and comments on the challenges of digitalisation (Zsolt Ződi, senior research fellow, Ludovika University)

11.45 - 12.30 Ebéd/Lunch

Third subproject/ Harmadik rész

Moderátor: Hajdu Gábor (tudományos munkatárs, HUN-REN TK JTI)

Moderator: Gábor Hajdu (reserarch fellow, HUN-REN CSS ILS)

12.30-12.50 A különleges jogrend tapasztalatai Magyarországon, az I. pillér összefoglalása – Lőrincz Viktor (tud. segédmunkatárs, HUN-REN TK JTI) és Hungler Sára (tudományos munkatárs, HUN-REN TK JTI)

State of Emergency, extraordinary legal systems and resilience. Lessons learnt from Hungary - Viktor Lőrincz (junior research fellow, HUN-REN CSS ILS) – Sára Hungler (research fellow, HUN-REN CSS ILS)

12.50-13.10 Hogyan értjük/érthetjük a jogrendszer rezilienciáját?  (Matyasovszky Németh Márton, adjunktus, ELTE ÁJK - Fábián Áron, tanársegéd, ELTE ÁJK, korábban fiatal kutatók TK JTI)

How to understand the resilience of law (Márton Matyasovszky Németh - Áron Fábián – assistant professors at ELTE law school, former junior research fellows, CSS ILS)

13.10 -14.00 Reflexió és kiegészítés  a különleges jogrendi jogrendszer-állapot problémakörhöz (Bencze Mátyás, tudományos főmunkatárs HUN-REN TK JTI) és Vita

Reflection and comments on the problems of special legal order and resilience (Mátyás Bencze, senior research fellow HUN-REN CSS ILS) and discussion

14.00 Closing remarks/Zárszó

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